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Clean Home, Clean Mind
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Home Sweet Clean Home: Top 5 Habits for a Tidy Space

1. Daily Decluttering

The key to a tidy home is minimizing clutter. Spend 10 minutes each day tidying up. Put away toys, clear countertops, and organize your living spaces. This small habit can significantly reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed by a messy home.

2. Follow the 'One-Touch' Rule

When you use something, return it to its place right after. By following the one-touch rule, you avoid creating small piles of clutter around your home. It's simple: use it, clean it, put it back!

3. Nightly 15-Minute Clean-Up

Before you head to bed, spend 15 minutes doing a quick clean-up. Wipe down kitchen surfaces, fluff pillows, and set things in order for the next day. This routine ensures you wake up to a fresh and inviting home every morning.

4. Weekly Deep-Cleaning

Choose a day each week for a more thorough clean. Vacuum carpets, mop floors, dust surfaces, and clean bathrooms. If this feels like a big task, remember, our team at Superb Maids Portland is always here to lend a professional hand!

5. Seasonal Decluttering

Every season, assess your belongings. Donate items you no longer need, and reorganize your space to suit the season's activities. This not only keeps your home tidy but also keeps it functional and enjoyable.

Maintaining a clean home doesn't have to be a daunting task. Incorporate these simple habits into your daily routine and enjoy the peace and comfort of a 'Home Sweet Clean Home'. Remember, for those times when life gets too busy, or you need a deeper clean, Superb Maids Portland is just a call away!